About us

Welcome to our page! We are Lynn & Daniel, both driven by a passion for travel and committed to a plant-based lifestyle.

The idea to this page first came up while planning our trip to Madeira in March 2023 (read about it here and here). We were surprised by how little info we could find about vegan food options on the island, especially outside of its capital Funchal. So, we thought, why not share the info ourselves? And so, vanderlustjourney was born!

For both of us, travel holds a significant place in our lives, and we try to incorporate it as much as possible between our full-time jobs.

Lynn caught the travel bug early in life. After spending 3 months in South Africa at the age of 19, her passion for exploring new corners of the world has only deepened. She’s the one responsible for the countless sunrise and animal photos in every place we travel to and her deepest fear is to run out of books during a long-distance flight.

Daniel’s love of new experiences has led him to live in multiple countries, such as Australia, South Africa, England and Luxembourg. He is the culinary artist of the team, on a mission to prove that veganism is not just a diet but a vibrant and flavorful way of life. Outside the kitchen, you’ll find him engaged in sports, video editing, or researching new hiking trails for our upcoming travel adventures.

In the future, we envision this blog as a space that unites our passion for exploring new places, photography, videography, writing, and food—all while remaining true to our values and offering tips for cruelty-free and compassionate choices.

If you would like to contact us, please don’t hesitate to write us at vanderlustjourney@outlook.com.

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